You do not manage your time better just by having schedulers or state-of-the-art time management software. You should keep basic points in your mind to guide your actions. Start better time management with the following four points.
First, identify priorities for using time.
Every person has different priorities for different values. It is imperative that you should identify what is the most important thing for your in various areas of your life such as health, job, and human relations. Once you identify priorities, allocate your time based on them.
Second, find loopholes in your time management
Very often, you seem to be very busy but nothing gets done. This means there are many loopholes in your time management. You should check if you are not wasting time by purposeless web surfing and other aimless actions. Also check if you are not neglecting short standby time like waiting for a doctor or attending a dull meeting. These small patches of time, if wisely used, can boost your time management.
Third, make it a habit to record how you use your time.
Making a plan on how to use your time and keeping records of how you actually used the time is a good method to give structure to the time management. Always carry your time plan and check if you are on the right track. If you do this for a while, you will find the weakest spot of your time management.
Fourth, write down long-term objectives.
When you get down to time management, you often lose sight of long view by focusing on what to do tomorrow or for the week. However, it is necessary to see your long-term objectives on paper to understand what outcome will result from your current pattern of time management. It is important to keep track of to dos for today and tomorrow but don’t forget to keep note of things to do for coming months or coming years. Long-term time management will keep you close to the big and important objectives.